NABH Consultancy Service
What is NABH ? National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers known as NABH is committed to support improvement of quality of healthcare service in our country for all strata of the population through various methodologies and tools to supplement the efforts of the providers of healthcare service and the requirements of the system at various levels. Why is Nabh needed?Accreditation to a Hospital stimulates continuous improvement. It enables hospital in demonstrating commitment to quality care. It raises community confidence in the services provided by the hospital. It also provides opportunity to healthcare unit to benchmark with the best.
Why is accreditation important to a hospital?The primary goal of the accreditation is to ensure that the hospitals not only perform evidence based practices but also give importance to access, affordability, efficiency, quality and effectiveness of healthcare.
Our Service Details
BMQR Offers NABH Consultancy service to all kinds of hospitals. We serves more than 150 hospital. From this 75 hosiptals got NABH Entry Level certification and remaining are under process. Now, NABH introduced new method to get NABH Entry Level, that is called as HOPE. In HOPE process, more than 10 hospitals have finished Desktop Assessment and waiting for Onsite Assessment. In Consultancy service, We provide Draft Documentation, Formats, Posters, Trainings, Training Certificates etc.,Documents (or) SOPs and Manuals
- Access, Assessment and Continuity of Care (AAC)
- Care of Patients (COP)
- Management of Medication (MOM)
- Patient Rights and Education (PRE)
- Hospital Infection Control (HIC)
- Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
- Responsibility of Management (ROM)
- Facility Management and Safety (FMS)
- Human Resource Management (HRM)
- Information Management System (IMS)
- Hospital Manual
- Lab Manual
- Emergency Prepadeness Manual
- Nursing Manual
- Initial Assessment form-OPD
- Registration
- Admission
- Initial Assessment form-IPD
- Initial Assessment form-ER
- Anesthesia Consent- Tamil & Englilsh
- Surgery Consent- Tamil & Englilsh
- High Risk/ICU Consent- Tamil & Englilsh
- HIV Consent- Tamil & Englilsh
- Treadmill Consent- Tamil & Englilsh
- Blood Transfusion Consent- Tamil & Englilsh
- Preventive Maintenance Checklist
- Facility Inspection Checklist
- Data Collection Sheet & CQI Chart templates Etc.,
- Scope of Service
- Patient Right and Responsibilities
- Bio Medical Waste related posters
- X-ray Room related Posters
- PNDT Act Poster
- Hand Hygiene
- Vision & Mission
- Grievance Handliing etc.,
- NABH Awareness
- Mock Drill Code Red
- Lab Safety
- Hand Hygine
- Patient Right & Responsibilities
- Infection Control
- BMW Related training
List of NABH Entry Level Certified Hospitals
1. Rajesh Tilak Hospital, Thoothukudi 2. Kps Hospitals, Mettupalayam 3. ML Hospital, Nagercoil 4. Padma Hospital, Nagercoil 5. Sri Krishna Hospital, Rajapalayam 6. Rex Ortho, Coimbatore 7. DMS Hospital, Madurai 8. Arun Hospital, Bodinayaganur 9. Vidthya Hospital, Madurai 10. Arthi Hospital, Coimbatore 11. Surya Poly Clinic, Pollachi 12. Balaji Hospital, Tirunelveli 13. Dr. Pandian Heart Hospital, Madurai 14. Sri Sanjeevi Hospital, Kallakurichi 15. Sakthi Hospital, Namakkal 16. Sri Amman Hospital, Odanchatram 17. Sri Ram Hospital, Aruppukottai 18. Annai Hospital, Nagercoil 19. Sen Hospital, Chennai 20. Hariharan Diabetes Hospital, Chennai
Consulting Fee:
Sl No | Number of beds |
Consulting Fee |
1 |
Upto 10 |
Rs.1,50,000 |
2 |
11-50 |
Rs.2,00,000 |
3 |
51-100 |
Rs.3,00,000 |
4 |
Above 100 |
Rs.4,00,000 |
The accreditation fee is to be paid to NABH directly as per their schedule.