ISO/IEC 27001
What is ISO/IEC 27001? ISO 27001 is the International Standard for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS).
ISO 27001 provides the framework for a technology neutral, vendor-neutral management system that enables an organization to assure itself that its information security measures are effective.
Implementation of ISO 27001 is an ideal response to legal requirements and potential security threats such as:
- Vandalism / terrorism
- Fire
- Misuse
- Theft
- Viral attack
ISO 27001 is structured to be easily compatible with other management systems standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
Who is ISO 27001 applicable to?
ISO 27001 is applicable to any organization where the misuse, corruption, or loss of its business or customer information could result in major commercial prejudice.
NQA has registered organizations to ISO 27001 in sectors as diverse as storage and warehousing, secure destruction, telecommunications, advertising, financial outsourcing and software development.
What are the benefits of ISO 27001?
- Customer satisfaction - by giving confidence that their personal information is protected and confidentiality upheld
- Business continuity - through management of risk, legal compliance and vigilance of future security issues and concerns
- Legal compliance - by understanding how statutory and regulatory requirements impact the organization and its customers
- Improved risk management - through a systematic framework for ensuring customer records, financial information and intellectual property are protected from loss, theft and damage
- Proven business credentials - through independent verification against recognized standards
- Ability to win more business - particularly where procurement specifications require certification as a condition to supply