What is ISO 450001 ?
ISO 450001 is an ISO standard for management systems of occupational health and safety(OH&S), published in March 2018. The goal of ISO 45001 is the reduction of occupational injuries and diseases.
The standard is based on OHSAS 18001, conventions and guidelines of the International Labour Organization including ILO OSH 2001, and national standards.It includes elements that are additional to BS OHSAS 18001
ISO 450001 also follows the High Level Structure of other ISO standards like ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 which makes integration of these standards much easier.
ISO 450001 changes compared to OHSAS 18001:2007
• Context of the organization (Clause 4.1): The organization shall determine internal and external issues that are relevant to its purpose and that affect its ability to achieve the intended outcome(s) of its OH & S management system.
• Understanding the needs and expectations of workers and other interested parties (clause 4.2): interested parties are workers, suppliers, subcontractors, clients, regulatory authorities.
• Risk and opportunities (Clauses: 6.1.1,, 6.1.4): companies are to determine, consider and, where necessary, take action to address any risks or opportunities that may impact (either positively or negatively) the ability of the management system to deliver its intended results, including enhanced health and safety at the workplace.
• Leadership and management commitment (Clauses: 5.1) has stronger emphasis on top management to actively engage and take accountability for the effectiveness of the management system.