Third Party Inspection


The Third Party Inspection refers to independent inspection activities that are done by a Third Party Inspection Agency either hired by a buyer or seller.
The ISO 17020; - Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection- specifies characteristic of these kinds of inspection agencies.
Based on these requirements, these agencies must be impartial and independent in their inspection activities and in their inspection reports and results.
All interested companies such as traders, buyers, sellers, engineering companies, construction companies must have access to the services of these inspection agencies.
The impartial and independence conditions are very important factors for third party Inspection agencies. In this direction ISO 17020 does not allow these companies to be participated or involved in any procurement, purchasing, construction, installation and even design activities.

Why Third Party Inspection is required?

  • Improved product quality
  • Improved relationships with customers
  • Less disruption than from direct inspection by the importer

when a third party inspection is needed most

  • Working with new suppliers
  • Identifying quality issues on-time
  • Repeated product quality issues
  • Purchasing premium items: high-end electronics, industrial equipment, etc.